
Ban on e-cigarettes is an act of prudence

In response to an opinion editorial titled ‘Why a ban on e-cigarettes may not be the best policy’, Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean, wrote that the ban on the sale, import, use and possession of e-cigarettes is a responsible, calibrated and prudent approach in formulating public health policies, considering what we currently know and do not know about e-cigarettes.

Citing Dengvaxia as an example, Prof Teo cautioned against embracing healthcare innovations indiscriminately, especially in situations where the benefits and costs are unclear. However, he also shared that policymakers should be open-minded to modify current policies when new data emerges. In this case, we should continue to monitor global evidence towards e-cigarettes and be ready to revise our policy on e-cigarettes prohibition when there is data to suggest otherwise.

Read his opinion piece here:

  • Why a health policy banning e-cigarettes is an act of prudence, The Straits Times Opinion, 16 June 2018