Antibiotic Tales cover

Tackling antibiotics with Sonny Liew

Award-winning Singaporean cartoonist Sonny Liew and Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Programme Leader (Infectious Diseases) have collaborated to produce a comic book titled ‘The Antibiotic Tales’.

The comic covers the topic of antimicrobial resistance — the ability of microbes to evolve and resist the drugs used to kill them.

“While antimicrobial resistance is a major global public health threat, it is not well understood by the public,” said A/Prof Hsu.

“The problem is not just in human medicine, but also in how food animals are raised and how waste is recycled or processed in the environment,” he added.

A/Prof Hsu hopes that the use of comics will help in explaining these issues in a relatable manner and make them more accessible to those outside the healthcare profession.

The book will be published in November 2019.

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