Foong Pin Sym

Senior Research Fellow


Pin Sym manages the Telehealth Core, a research centre that supports and studies the development of eHealth projects. She has a Masters in Human Computer Interaction Design and a PhD in Interactive Media. Her days consist of inspirational, challenging and absorbing conversations with her collaborators in the fields of health, technology and design. She stays motivated by remembering the patients and families she has journeyed with. Currently, she is working on chronic disease prevention and patient education for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and prostate cancer. Her career goal is to develop patient-centred technologies that improve the quality of life for patients and their caregivers. Outside of work, she unwinds with baking, attempting YouTube recipes, and family conversations.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Patient decision aids
  • Mobile health applications
  • Lifestyle change and motivation
  • Caregiver challenges

Teaching Areas

  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Mobile Interaction
  • User Experience Design
  • Technology for older adults

Selected Publications

  • Josip Car, Gerald Choon-Huat Koh, Pin Sym Foong, and C. Jason Wang. 2020. Video consultations in primary and specialist care during the covid-19 pandemic and beyond. BMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.m3945
  • Pin Sym Foong and Denisa Kera. 2008. Applying reflective design to digital memorials. SIMTech’08. Available here.
  • Pin Sym Foong, Charis Anne Lim, Joshua Wong, Chang Siang Lim, Simon Perrault, and Gerald C. H. Koh. 2020. “You Cannot Offer Such a Suggestion”: Designing for Family Caregiver Input in Home Care Systems. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’20), 13. doi:10.1145/3313831.3376607
  • Tong Wei Yew, Claudia Chi, Shiao-Yng Chan, Rob M. van Dam, Clare Whitton, Chang Siang Lim, Pin Sym Foong, Winni Fransisca, Chieu Leng Teoh, Jeannie Chen, Su Tin Ho-Lim, Su Lin Lim, Kai Wen Ong, Peck-Hoon Ong, Bee Choo Tai, and E. Shyong Tai. 2020. A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effects of a Smartphone Application-Based Lifestyle Coaching Program on Gestational Weight Gain, Glycemic Control, Maternal, and Neonatal Outcomes in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: The SMART-GDM Study. Diabetes Care. doi:10.2337/dc20-1216

View her detailed CV here.

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