Tissue Repository
The School maintains its own Tissue Repository (SPH-TR) to support ongoing and future population-based longitudinal studies.
Since 2008, the core business of SPH-TR is on repository management with a focus on institutional research. SPH-TR provides services on sample storage, withdrawal, disposal and shipping. We are also extending the SPH-TR services to clients who require laboratory facilities to process their biological materials for storage or distribution.

SSHSPH Laboratory at Tahir Foundation Building (MD1, #11-01Q) with a total floor area available for up to 12 numbers of -80°C freezers

Warehouse at 1091 Lower Delta Road, #05-07 to -08, with a maximum capacity for 63 numbers of -80°C freezers
Tissue Repository Service Requests
For existing collaborations and partners:
For further enquiries, please contact SSHSPHTRLab@nus.edu.sg
TR services, quotation, service agreement, job schedules, workflow, application forms and billing matters
Coordination for sample transportation, retrieval, return, disposal delivery schedules, sample audits and packaging requirement
TR @ MD1
Su Jin
660 15094
Joseph Yio Linao
651 66357
Zulkhairil Suradi
651 64999
For further enquiries, please contact SSHSPHTRLab@nus.edu.sg