Research fellow

ROY Mousumi

My research falls within the intersection of infectious disease modeling, human mobility, and Bayesian statistics. I am working with complex pattern of disease transmission by analyzing various factors involving the transmission.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Infectious disease modelling
  • Human mobility pattern
  • Network science

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics), University of Calcutta, 2014
  • Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics), University of Calcutta, 2022

Selected Publications

  • M Roy, S Mandal, C Hens, A Prasad, NV Kuznetsov, M Dev Shrimali. Model-free prediction of multistability using echo state network. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32 (10), 2022.
  • M Roy, A Senapati, S Poria, A Mishra, C Hens. Role of assortativity in predicting burst synchronization using echo state network. Physical Review E 105 (6), 064205, 2022.
  • M Roy, S Poria, C Hens. Assortativity-induced explosive synchronization in a complex neuronal network. Physical Review E 103 (6), 062307. 2021.
  • M Roy, S Poria. Enhancement of synchronized chaotic state in a delay-coupled complex neuronal network. Nonlinear Dynamics 102, 745-768. 2020.
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