Climate, Environment and Health Programme

About Us

We are a research programme leveraging cross-disciplinary expertise to understand and evaluate the health risks associated with climate and other environmental changes. We use data-driven methods and technologies to monitor the impacts of environmental change on health and identify solutions to protect human and ecosystem health.

Southeast Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate change, with severe health impacts projected. We see a need to bridge the gap between climate science, environmental science, and health. Our vision is to create an interdisciplinary research program that strengthens our ties with environmental science groups and fosters collaboration within Singapore and the broader Southeast Asian region.

Expertise and Collaboration

Our research spans environmental change and infectious disease dynamics, air pollution, the built environment, nutrition and sustainable food systems, and machine learning methods for health and environmental data. By supporting this research, we aim to:

  • Provide evidence-based information to guide policymakers;
  • Guide public health interventions to protect vulnerable populations and enhance resilience to health risks;
  • Drive innovation and develop new solutions and technologies;
  • Educate and raise awareness about the implications of climate change amongst individuals, governments and communities.

For more information, please contact Kimberly Fornace at or Yann Boucher at