Senior Research Fellow (Adjunct)

BAY Jason

Jason Bay operates at the intersection of business, policy and technology.

A former public sector digital technology policymaker and privacy regulator, Jason supported the digital transformation of key sectors of the Singapore economy, and advanced competition and consumer protection policies in the infocomm, media and data protection domains.

As a technology practitioner, Jason was inventor and mastermind of TraceTogether, the world’s first digital contact tracing system, and winner of multiple international awards for innovation during the pandemic. He is the protagonist of case studies on digital innovation by Harvard Business School and Singapore Management University, and regularly speaks on topics such as digital governance, ethics, and innovation.

In the private consumer internet space, Jason continues to pursue societal benefit in the considered applications of digital technology to improve lives.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Adjunct)
  • Director, Group Chief Operating Office’s Office, Sea Limited (Primary)

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • MS Management, Stanford University Graduate School of Business
  • MS Electrical Engineering, Stanford University
  • BS Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Career History

  • Sea Limited
  • Government Technology Agency
  • Ministry of Communications and Information
  • Prime Minister’s Office
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • Ministry of Law
  • Public Service Division
  • Ministry of Defence

Selected Publications

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