TL Whang Foundation Master of Public Health Scholarship

In a generous act of philanthropy, the TL Whang Foundation has graciously donated a gift to the School to enable deserving students to further their academic pursuits in public health.

The prestigious TL Whang Foundation Master of Public Health Scholarship covers tuition fees and a monthly stipend for full-time candidates who are citizens of Thailand and Vietnam, in particular candidates who demonstrate potential for community impact.

TL Whang Foundation’s directors, Mr Whang Shang Ying and Ms Chan Chia Lin, visited the School on 5 May 2023 and were warmly received by Prof Teo Yik Ying, Dean of NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

The School greatly appreciates the generous gift and continued support towards fostering access to quality education and transforming the lives of young scholars.

Find out more about the scholarship here.

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