Alumni Stories

Dr Muruga Vadivale

Championing Cross-Cultural Leadership Excellence

Dr Muruga Vadivale, global pharma veteran and alum (Master of Science in Occupational Medicine ‘90), retired from Sanofi-Aventis in mid-2017 after 17 years of illustrious service to establish his consulting practice advising medical start-ups in the region. Beside his extensive decades of experience in the medical field, Dr Vadivale is also passionate about using his new role to share with others his deep knowledge about inclusive leadership and engagement across cultural differences in the ASEAN region.

“I believe a company is what it is because of its people. People make a company as much as a company makes its people. If you value people, they will automatically work for the company and for you. A lot of my success is due to what my teams were able to achieve,”  he shared, stressing the importance of leading by example to engender integrity and respect from team members in each of his international posts.

Dr Muruga Vadivale

Learn more about his personal professional development and growth as a leader who embraces and promotes effective intercultural communication, cross-cultural intelligence, diversity and inclusion in his interview ASEAN Leadership Development Pays Dividends for Global Pharma with the IRC Institute.

Your journey after SSHSPH is important to us, and we’re always on the lookout for stories and updates from our alumni! Kindly share with us your life experiences, professional triumphs or inspiring adventures by emailing your story and photos to Ms Elizabeth Tan at

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