Dr Karen Cheong

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Email karencly@nus.edu.sg

CHEONG Lei Yin Karen

Karen is an experienced health promotion practitioner with strong passion in improving population health. She engages in practice-driven research and translating data into actionable insights. Her work experience include strategy development and implementation to drive workplace and community health, evaluation and monitoring of policies and strategies, and technology-enabled research and interventions.


  • NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (Adjunct)
  • Health Promotion Board (Primary)

Research Areas

  • Behavioural Science
  • Digital Health
  • Tobacco Control

Teaching Areas

  • Behavioural Science
  • Digital Health

Academic/Professional Qualifications

  • Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.), National University of Singapore, 2011
  • Master of Social Sciences (Applied Sociology), National University of Singapore, 2004
  • Bachelor of Arts (Economics), National University of Singapore, 1999


  • Ministry of Health, PS (Health) Award 2019 – Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sales Act) (Award given to MOH Officers for displaying exemplary behaviour and demonstrating outstanding performance)
  • Excellence of Public Service Award 2015 – Most Innovative Project/ Policy (Merit): Healthy Workplace Ecosystem
  • Ministry of Health, PS(Health)Award 2013 – City for All Ages Project (Award given to MOH Officers for displaying exemplary behaviour and demonstrating outstanding performance)
  • HPB Innovation Award 2013 – Gold Award (Blue Ribbon Smoke-free Movement)

Career History

  • Senior Deputy Director, Research & Development, Health Promotion Board, 2019-present
  • Deputy Director, Research & Policy Analysis, Health Promotion Board, 2016-2019
  • Deputy Director, Special Projects, Health Promotion Board, 2017-2018
  • Deputy Director, Workplace Health Planning and Strategy, Health Promotion Board, 2013-2016
  • Deputy Director, Community Health Promotion, Health Promotion Board, 2011-2013
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