Healthier SG: Leveraging the workplace

The recent Healthier SG initiative presented at the Committee of Supply (COS) envisioned Singapore’s future health system as “One person, one family doctor, one care plan” by encouraging Singaporeans to enrol with a family doctor close to where they live. This national enrolment programme will be coordinated by the three local healthcare clusters.

More than 70 per cent of Singapore’s resident population are in the labour force and our workforce is ageing. It is therefore crucial for family doctors to recognise the role of work on the health and wellbeing of their enrollees and incorporate these within their care plans.

In a commentary, the School’s Associate Professor and Director of Continuing Education and Training, Ng Wee Tong, and senior resident Dr Licia Tan shares why capitalising on existing workplace health promotion programmes can tie in with the Healthier SG programme to improve health.

Read the full commentary here:
Healthier SG: Leveraging the workplace, The Business Times, 9 April 2022

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