Leadership in Global Health Roundtable Discussion

The Leadership in Global Health roundtable discussion took place on 13 Sep 2023 at the Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation at Imperial College Business School.

Co-organised by the School and the George Institute UK, it was held in the context of a meeting of a new Lancet Commission – the Pandemic Readiness, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (PRIME) Commission, co-led by Prof Helena Legido-Quigley.

The event saw accomplished and emerging leaders exchanging insights on current global health challenges ranging from improving preparedness for pandemics to stepping up the fight against non-communicable diseases amongst others. Ms Afifah Ismat Rahman-Shepherd, PhD candidate from the School, was one of the featured panelist for the discussion. Prof Teo Yik Ying, Dean, also shared his thoughts in the final reflections segment.

Key takeaways:

1) Strong leadership requires humility, integrity, empathy, and a genuine desire to connect with and serve the public’s needs;

2) Good leadership must be accountable and deliver on its promises;

3) Investing in mentoring the next generation is a cornerstone of effective, thoughtful leadership;

4) We need transformative leadership at every level of the global health system, from researchers and policymakers to national institutions and government agencies to multilateral organisations and partners, we each have a role to stand as better leaders in global health

The School is delighted to be part of this event and looks forward to more collaborations to come.