Our Warmest Congratulations to Our Class of 2022!

On this special day, the School’s graduates celebrated their dedication and commitment to the field of public health at the Commencement ceremony.

Valedictorian for the Master of Public Health, Ms Yap Li Wen, who is also the winner of the Tye Cho Yook Gold Medal, shared her aspirations of improving community health and the importance of innovative problem-solving.

She said, “As MPH graduates, we are a community whereby everyone plays different roles within the healthcare system. We now have a wider network of people we could learn from and collaborate with. Together, we could drive innovation and design the delivery of care with greater value and sustainability.”

Caps off to you, graduates! We wish you all the best as you embark on the next chapter of your public health careers, putting into practice the knowledge, research and experiences obtained from your learning journey with the School. Continue to impact and forge new milestones in the public health ecosystem for your local communities and the region.

See more highlights from the commencement ceremony here

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