SSHSPH Alumna, Professor Leo Yee Sin (Public Health ’13), Knighted by French government

Award recipients
Professor Leo Yee Sin (centre) and Professor Tan Chorh Chuan (right) were conferred the honour by French Ambassador Marc Abensour on April 26, 2022. Photo: The Straits Times

Our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Leo Yee Sin (Public Health ’13) for being conferred the title of Knight of the French Order of the Legion of Honour. This is France’s highest award for outstanding service made by civilians or military personnel to the country, regardless of their citizenship.

In her capacity as Executive Director of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Professor Leo played a key role in Singapore’s efforts to manage the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years. Her contributions towards Science and Health were also seen on the international level. As chairperson of the Singapore side in the France-Singapore scientific working group on infectious diseases, Professor Leo worked with a team to open up multiple channels of cooperation between both countries.

Congratulations once again to Professor Leo for your efforts in improving the lives and health of communities beyond our shores.

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