SSHSPH Alumna, Professor Leo Yee Sin (Public Health ’13), Awarded NUS Distinguished Alumni Service Award

Our heartiest congratulations to alumna, Professor Leo Yee Sin (Public Health ’13), Executive Director of the National Centre for

Infectious Diseases (NCID), for receiving the Distinguished Alumni Service Award in recognition of her dedication to fighting at the frontline against infectious diseases and her leadership in effecting change for the community!

The Distinguished Alumni Service Award recognises National University of Singapore (NUS) alumni who have made an impact in their respective fields as well as rendered excellent and sustained service to NUS, its predecessor institutions and the community.

Over the past two decades, Professor Leo led teams that were at the forefront of Singapore’s battles against the Nipah, SARS, pandemic Influenza, Zika and Covid-19 outbreak. A key contributor to clinical development, Professor Leo actively participates in academic research and public health policies. As a research contributor, she has been credited in over 300 scientific papers and even led an SGD$25 million dengue study that revolutionised the management of the mosquito-borne virus in Singapore!

A trailblazer, Professor Leo was among the first doctors in Singapore to tackle the stigma of HIV in the early 1990s. She headed an HIV programme in 1995 and established a HIV patient care centre two years later. As head of the programme, she raised monies for patients and worked with policy makers and volunteers to garner community support and care for HIV patients, while continuing to serve on local and international clinical committees.

A firm believer in female leadership, Professor Leo was also named one of the world’s most inspiring and influential women by the BBC in 2020.

Congratulations once again to Professor Leo on the latest feather in your cap.