Congratulations to the Class of 2020 and 2021!

The School warmly congratulates all graduates from the SSHSPH Class of 2020 and Class of 2021, who were conferred their degrees during NUS’ first online graduation ceremony on 26 June 2021.

Madam Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore and NUS Chancellor, presided over the ceremony. In her congratulatory message to the graduating class, she noted that COVID-19 is a reminder that sometimes even the best laid plans can be overturned by events that are not within our control, and she hoped that graduates will embrace all challenges with positivity and tenacity.

“It is during such challenging times that we must hold steadfast to our values – respect, integrity, innovation, excellence and resilience. I encourage you to embody these traits in the path ahead. Strive to give your best in whatever you do. Stay curious, and keep learning. More importantly, show respect and humility to all you meet along the way. These, more than anything, will help you go far in life.”

– President Halimah

NUS President, Professor Tan Eng Chye said, “I am especially proud of how our cohort of 2020 and 2021 have shown resolve, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to excellence during this difficult period. Many of you have had to make major adjustments to your plans and career pathways… I would urge that you nurture a new mindset, and be prepared to chart new paths, and move boldly to seize emerging opportunities.”

Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying shared his hopes for the graduates to continue protecting and maintaining the health of people. He said, “We look forward to watching you soar in your careers as you turn what you have learnt and what you have discovered into healthier communities.”

Dr Sharon Tan is the Valedictorian for the SSHSPH Class of 2020
Dr Sharon Tan is the Valedictorian for the SSHSPH Class of 2020
Dr Mervyn Lim is the Valedictorian for the SSHSPH Class of 2021
Dr Mervyn Lim is the Valedictorian for the SSHSPH Class of 2021
Dr Mervyn Lim Jun Rui, who is the valedictorian for the Class of 2021, reflected on the uncertainties brought by the pandemic and the impact on this year’s graduating class.

He said, “While COVID-19 has certainly been disruptive, I also believe that it provides the graduating Class of 2021 a unique opportunity to break the moulds of the past and be change agents in influencing the new normal. We need to take charge of our circumstances, be flexible, adapt, capitalise on new technologies, and forge new ways for Singapore to be on the global platform beyond the pandemic.”

Dr Lim is currently a neurosurgery resident in a local hospital, and he graduated with a Master of Public Health (MPH).

Mr Vincent Cai had completed his Masters in Public Health while working as part of the contact-tracing task group tackling the Covid-19 pandemic here.
Mr Vincent Cai had completed his Masters in Public Health while working as part of the contact tracing task group tackling COVID-19 in Singapore.
Vincent Cai (MPH '21) Contact tracing
In his current role, Mr Cai initiates the contact tracing process by verifying confirmatory laboratory results of patients that test positive for COVID-19. He said, "While it can get tough at times, I leave my office feeling accomplished and fulfilled every night."

Another MPH graduate, Mr Vincent Cai, had completed his degree while working as part of the COVID-19 contact tracing task group. He joined the communicable diseases division at the Ministry of Health in November 2019 after learning about infectious diseases through the course. He had been focused on diseases like measles and rubella, but when the pandemic hit and resources were channelled to tackle COVID-19, he was shifted to do contact tracing.

When asked about his biggest takeaway from the course, Mr Cai said:

“It is to do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people.”

“For example, the measures we are now taking amid the pandemic may be an inconvenience to most, but overall, the benefits of protection and prevention outweigh the benefits of not taking any control measures,” he added.

The SSHSPH Class of 2020 comprises 78 graduates: 65 have been conferred the Master of Public Health and 13 have been conferred the Doctor of Philosophy. The Class of 2021 comprises 76 graduates: 62 were conferred the MPH degree and 14 were conferred the PhD degree.

Watch the Commencement ceremony here:

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