Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Healthcare: Introduction to PPP E-Workshop

Non-communicable diseases, ageing populations and COVID-19 are some of the most pressing health challenges of our time. The immensity of these challenges calls for collaborative effort across the public and private sectors.

Facilitated by Professor Chia Kee Seng and Professor Alan M Trager, President of the PPP Initiative Ltd., the Introduction to Public-Private Partnership (PPP) online workshop held from 13 to 24 July welcomed 17 policymakers, healthcare professionals and academia to explore how PPP can be used to combine the strongest elements of the public- and private-sector capacity to address health challenges.

The workshop was based on a 135-page PPP Government Guide developed by Prof Trager. Over the course of six sessions, the participants delved into multiple case studies derived from the guide, as well as lectures on the types of PPPs (social and economical), value alignment, negotiation and many more. The participants also engaged in meaningful group work discussions with team members of diverse backgrounds to better understand PPP from the perspectives of public, private and NGO sectors. Additionally, the workshop also provided the participants with networking opportunities for possible future collaborations and partnerships.

“The e-workshop had a great balance of the lectures providing good introduction to PPP and case studies. The thoughtful mix of participants with diverse experience from different sectors contributed to very rich post-lecture Q&A sessions and workgroup discussions. I appreciate this learning opportunity and enjoyed the networking.”

— Ms Karen Liew, Assistant Director (Strategic Planning), National Kidney Foundation

“The PPP workshop was very high-yield. It provided me with tools for a more structured and strategic way of approaching partnerships in general. The selected case studies provided a deeper understanding of how to apply PPP frameworks and which skill sets are necessary for which circumstances. We are truly fortunate to have learned straight from Prof Trager and Prof Chia, two eminent professors and practitioners in PPP.”

— Dr Venus Oliva Cloma-Rosales, Managing Director, 101 Health Research

The Introduction to Public-Private Partnership online workshop is jointly organised by the School and PPP Initiative Ltd., an independent entity that facilitates the development of public–private partnerships designed to address global healthcare challenges.