Phased transition as Singapore exits ‘circuit breaker’

Earlier this week, the multi-ministry taskforce announced a three-phase transition to a ‘new normal’, as the next step in Singapore’s fight against COVID-19.

As Singapore exits its ‘circuit breaker’ on 2 June, schools will reopen progressively and a third of the workforce will return to their workplaces.

Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying said that the phased transition “is a very prudent approach” as it allows us to determine which sector is contributing to any resurgence in cases.

“We are testing to see what works and what doesn’t, and if we are convinced that existing measures are sufficient, we move on to another level of ‘stress testing’ four weeks later,” said Prof Teo.

Social gatherings and dining in at eateries will remain prohibited in the first phase.

“We have seen that the virus is transmitted very well when people dine together, and there have been instances in Singapore where the spread was because people came together for meals,” said Prof Teo.

He also cautioned that new cases are expected as activities resume since the virus is highly infectious.

He added that it is important to keep up with the current testing for front-line workers, log movement with SafeEntry to facilitate contact tracing and conduct intense disinfection at common areas.

Watch the full interview here:

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