COVID-19: It is up to each individual to prevent further spread of the virus

With the increase in clusters and unlinked cases here, Singapore faces the threat of an uncontrollable spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

As imported cases taper off, the country is entering a new phase of community transmission, with local cases set to dominate yet again. This is of concern because it means the virus is becoming more entrenched in the community.

The next two weeks are crucial in this battle. If the number of cases can be held in check, it bodes well for the longer term, said Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Programme Leader (Infectious Diseases).

“If we can get through this and next week without a dramatic rise in cases — particularly unlinked cases — we should achieve a period of stability again,” he said.

It is up to each individual in the country to prevent further and intense spread of the virus.

“People must decide at this point whether they choose to cooperate and listen to the reminders on personal hygiene, physical distancing and to stay at home unless absolutely necessary; or if they continue to behave irresponsibly, especially in public,” said Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying.

“Right now, it is really in the hands of ordinary citizens to act responsibly and break any community transmission in Singapore.

If many in Singapore refuse to follow the simple instructions, then no matter what the Government puts in place, we will see an uncontrollable outbreak.”

— Dean, Professor Teo Yik Ying

He added, “At the moment, we are not at the stage of widespread local transmission, but we are certainly seeing signs we might be progressing towards that. At this point, the outbreak is still manageable for the teams overseeing contact tracing to handle.”

Contact tracing is an important and effective way to manage community transmission. As long as there is capacity for it, it should be done, added Prof Teo.

But if local transmission continues to increase significantly, there will come a time when the ability to contact trace may become strained.

If individuals continue to act irresponsibly, tougher and more painful measures may be instituted to fight the spread. Ultimately, this could mean a lockdown, such as those in Wuhan and Italy, said Assoc Prof Hsu.

He added, “Naturally we would not wish to do this unless truly necessary, but such extreme physical distancing measures will be effective in bringing down the transmission rate of the virus.”

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