Breaking down the complex issue of AMR for children and the general public

Since their discovery, antibiotics have served as the cornerstone of modern medicine. But the persistent overuse and misuse of antibiotics in human and animal health have encouraged the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.

Organised by the Singapore Social, Lifestyle and Infection Networks Group (Singapore SLING), the annual World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) library outreach is part of the School’s efforts in to educate the public about antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and promote the correct use of antibiotics.

Joining the outreach this year were Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, Infectious Diseases Programme Leader, and award-winning comic artist Sonny Liew with their graphic novel titled The Antibiotic Tales.

The Antibiotic Tales interweaves revelatory stories to explain the problem caused by the careless use of antibiotics in humans and animals. Set in two different eras, the comic separates the facts from popular myths and breaks down the complexity of antibiotics, effects of its overuse and misuse, as well as AMR and its impact on our health, food and agriculture. The book is available for purchase online and at major book stores.

The Meet the Authors session was held on 9 Nov, the first day of the WAAW library outreach, and moderated by Professor Paul Tambyah, Senior Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician at National University Hospital and Professor at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine.

Sonny Liew and A/Prof Hsu Li Yang authored The Antibiotic Tales, a graphic novel on the dangers of antibiotic overuse and misuse.
A/Prof Hsu, Sonny and Prof Tambyah answered some tough questions asked by adults and children alike, on antibiotic usage and antimicrobial resistance, as well as challenges in making this important topic less complex for the general public to understand.

Prof Tambyah asked for a show of hands for those who had taken antibiotics in the past five years.
Sonny sharing about the creative process and challenges faced when working on the comic book
Sonny sharing about the creative process and challenges faced when working on the comic book. (Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)
The WAAW library outreach saw more than 700 children and parents in attendance over the weekend (9-10 November). Participants visited different stations to learn about bacteria, antibiotics and the dangers of antibiotic misuse.

This is the fourth year that the Singapore SLING team has organised this event, led by Assistant Professor Clarence Tam, as part of the World Health Organization’s World Antibiotics Awareness Week run every November. WAAW is a global campaign to increase awareness of antibiotic resistance and encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policymakers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic. WAAW 2019 falls on 18-24 November.

(Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)

(Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)
Bacteria glowing on a child's hands before cleaning them with hand sanitiser (Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)
Adults and children took a peek into the world of bacteria and virus at the microscope station. (Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)
A station where children could pledge their support to promote the right use of antibiotics (Photo by Asst Prof Clarence Tam)
View more photos at our Facebook page here.

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