Serving the vulnerable: Ms Safiyah Salim (MPH ’14)

Ms Safiyah Salim, a student of the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, sees herself as a public health professional, hopefully having the opportunity to serve vulnerable populations. Having been a disablity policy officer at the then-Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Safiyah gained an interest in issues like helping the disabled secure jobs, ensuring community care for the disabled and improving their access to assistive technology.

Enrolling in the School’s Master of Public Health (MPH) programme has enabled her to acquire the technical skills to make more evidence-based decisions, interact with peers from various disciplines of public health and hear different perspectives to a single public health problem which all adds up to the richness and flavour to the classroom content.

Ms Safiyah Salim (MPH '14) trekking in the Philippines with fellow WHO interns in July 2013
Ms Safiyah Salim (MPH '14) trekking in the Philippines with fellow WHO interns in July 2013

Media Coverage:

  • The Sunday Times, 6 January 2013